Books Available for Download
I have copies of the below Keyser genealogical research books. Since they are not in print and very difficult to obtain, I am making them available here for other Keyser genealogical researchers.
By downloading either or both of these books in PDF format you agree that you may not reprint or distribute copies of these books for sale or profit.
The Keyser Family - Henry's Children by Willet Keyser
published 1978
Willet Keyser personally researched and wrote this book emphasizing the Keyser family from Henry Keyser on down. There is information about all of the family branches he was able to reach, either in person, by phone, or via correspondence. Of these two books this one is the most accurate. The book is available for download in two parts - the preface and the main body of the book.
Keyser-Keysor Cousins - by Mary Keysor Meyer
published 1978
Mary Keysor Meyer researched the Keyser family years before Willet Keyser started his book. Mary's research begins with William Keyser (b. 1755) and continues down from there. It does include some errors but is still quite interesting, especially for Keysers/Keysors not descended from Henry Keyser.